How Plastic Bag Recycling Is Transforming Our Community

Have you ever wondered what happens to all those plastic bags we use every day? Whirltronics is proud to be taking part in an inspiring community project where those bags are not just ending up in landfills. We’ve transformed the bags into something useful and beautiful around Buffalo: benches!

Last year, we embarked on a journey to recycle plastic bags into benches. Since then, we’ve made incredible progress, collecting nearly 4,000 pounds of recyclable plastic bags with the Trex community bench program

How It Works

The process is simple but impactful: First, we gather plastic bags from various collection points across the community. Once we accumulate 1,000 pounds of these bags, we exchange them for a bench. We work with local organizations to place these benches in meaningful locations.

Our Benches and Their Locations

  • Bench #1: Our first bench was sponsored by Buffalo Rotary and is proudly located at Whirltronics.
  • Bench #2: The second bench, sponsored by the Buffalo Chamber, is set up at the Chamber’s office.
  • Bench #3: The third bench, sponsored by Wise Penny, can be found at their location.
  • Bench #4: We are currently working on our fourthbench, sponsored by Buffalo Rotary again. This bench will soon be placed in one of the new green spaces downtown once completed.

Reaching Our Goals

We are excited to announce that we will hit the 1,000-pound mark for our fourth bench by the end of this month! This milestone reflects the growing support and participation from our community. Thank you for your continued support!

If you’re interested in learning more about getting involved, or to learn more about what we do at Whirltronics, call us at 763-682-1716 or click here.



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