Summer Fun with Whirltronics!

Summer Fun with Whirltronics!

Summer Fun with Whirltronics!

This month, the team at Whirltronics enjoyed a change from our usual day-to-day scenery and spent time outside for some fun! First, we held our annual employee picnic, and a few days later, we had some volunteers at the City of Buffalo Family Fun Day! 

Employee Picnic

Whirltronics is proud to be a top metal manufacturer year after year, and we couldn’t do it without our fantastic employees! One way we acknowledge their hard work is by celebrating them at our annual employee picnic. We host this fun event each year where employees and family members come together to enjoy each other’s company, a burger and/or a hot dog, and other great picnic food! 

We look forward to this event every year – not only as a break from work, but also to make time to build relationships with our team. We love having the opportunity to foster a sense of unity while getting to socialize outside of the work environment. 

The weather didn’t dampen our spirits! Special thanks to our grill teams, Brent Elstad, Neil Bengston, Steve Henry, and Zach Wolf!

Summer Fun with Whirltronics!

Whirltronics Picnic 2024 – Click to enlarge

City of Buffalo Family Fun Day

On Friday, June 14, the Buffalo Community Center hosted their Family Fun Day for our community. The event featured lunch, music, games, prizes, a bounce house, and a ton of fun! Whirltronics provided free root beer and orange floats for the event.  Thanks to Brent Elstad and his 2 boys and Julie Gunnarson for volunteering their time for this great community event! 

Enjoy some of the photos from the day!

Summer Fun with Whirltronics!
Buffalo Family Day – Click to enlarge


If you’re interested in getting a quote on metal fabrication from Whirltronics, call us at 763-682-1716 or click here.



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